Monday, July 8, 2013

Man accidentally cuts his penis which is subsequently eaten by his dog

I am bored, so I will write about one more story today. I remember reading it many many years ago and finding it to be quite weird and dubious.

The story was released back in the 2004, sometime during October. According to the telegraph, a man from a Romanian village near the southeastern town of Galati had to be hospitalised because he accidentally cut of his penis.

The man, named Constantin Mocanu, chopped his penis off after rushing out to his yard to kill one of his chickens that was particularly "noisy", prohibiting him from sleeping.
However, the man missed with his axe and instead of cutting the chicken's throat, he cut his very own penis !

"I confused it with the chicken's neck. " said Mocanu.

To me, this statement sounds full of bullshit! I mean how confused must someone be to cut his penis instead of the chicken's neck ? My guess is he was either trying some weird sexual stuff on himself or he was under the heavy influence of narcotics! What do you think ?

Mocanu was then admitted to the emergency hospital in Galati and according to the officials he said:

"I cut it ... and the dog rushed and ate it." 
Well, the guy was 67 years old so I guess he wasn't going to need his penis :) I wonder if he is still alive or not !

A comment I read somewhere sums the story quite well: I've heard of choking your chicken but this is ridiculous. Ridicilous, or maybe taking it to a whole new level ? !

1 comment:

  1. Lol, this is the weirdest and funniest story I have ever read :D
